When you think of home, what is the first thing that comes to mind?
A house? A place? A country? ...
My very first home is actually my body! Yes! This incredible vessel. From energy and plumbing to waste/toxin management and everything in between... it has it all!!!
This wonderfully complex body houses my Soul... my Spirit... and as such, deserves to be treated with imense respect and gratitude for all that it does 🙏
Sadly, most of us are not taught from the moment we are born to prioritise our bodies and our health so we grow up under the illusion that it will be in 'good condition' forever and if something 'stops working' someone will 'fix it'!
Our bodies carry us through the journey of 'Life on Earth'... the duration of travel will vary from person to person, but the most important thing is to ensure this vessel is always well maintained so we can experience a smooth journey as much as possible ✨️
We cannot simply trust that the governments of where we reside will look after us all the time... No! The health systems are not going to take care of the 'servicing'... the 'maintenance' of our Homes. That is solely down to us.
Self-care is indeed Healthcare !
From nourishing foods, mind-body practises, body treatments, investing in health insurances, using natural toiletries and cleaning products, spending time in nature...the list goes on....
Everything needs to be considered and the right options for each individual taken into consideration as a priority. These choices will be very different from one person to the next and the more we dive into the realm of true wellness the more we learn what works for us as, like everything in life, there is not a 'one size fits all' approach.
Self-care must not be seen as a 'luxury' but as essential! 🛀
Just like it is important to maintain vehicles, home appliances, gardens, etc... the same goes for our bodies!
With physical states of dis-ease being on the rise, I feel that 'We' as humans have become far too disconnected from our 'Homes'...
I really feel that it is time to come back to surface for air, reassess our priorities and reset the 'alarm clocks' of our lives, otherwise they might get 'louder and louder' ⏰️
My middle road back 'Home' has been to find balance in everything, not get caught up on perfectionism or comparisons, to continually find what works for me and detach from what no longer serves me ✨️
Sara 💙
A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it
George A. Moore
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